We travel a lot. All over the world. And we are good at it.
International film production, of any kind and size, requires crew and technicians familiar with the process of working outside the United States. From visa’s to Carnet to scheduling & logistics, operating in another country can be a daunting endeavor. But it is just like anything else; the more you do its the better you get at it. And our crew have been all over the world, filming and producing content for American and international distributors.
We know who to call for transportation; we know what foods to avoid; and we know how to maintain equipment in harsh environments. Many times our adventures will take us from the ocean to the mountains and into the desert, sometimes in the same day. Being prepared, anticipating possible challenges, and persevering through them while creating quality content is what international production is about. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it is always an exciting adventure our crew craves.